A downloadable comic

The Wretched and the Subjugated is a dark fantasy graphic novel where a morose monk named Aghmar meets and embarks upon an arduous journey with a mysterious female prisoner. 

Their journey is one fraught with dangers as well as personal revelations and as their grim odyssey progresses, the solemn pair’s nuanced relationship becomes both touching and toxic.  

Grotesque intimacy and grand adventure dominate this grim descent into a world that ultimately may not be what it seems...  

PDF/ 429 Pages / Full color

(Author note):


My name is Majora Lee and I am the creator of this book. I worked on it over the course of... many, many years, and have been really terrible at getting people to read it. The narrative is a bit of a slow burn, but I am trying to accomplish something I haven't really seen done before.

It deals with a lot of themes relating to queerness, disability and neurodivergence, but in ways that are obtuse. It also deals with issues that relate to mental health, and trauma related to sexual and physical violence. 

If you are in a space where these themes m might trigger negative emotions  for you, then you should be aware of their presence within. I have tried to handle these things with nuance and  taken care not to sensationalize them, but they can still be rough subjects to try and engage with. So please, take care yourself and if you are not in the headspace to deal with that stuff, I understand completely. 

Anyway, I hope that if your reading this, your interest has been piqued, and I really appreciate you taking the time to check my work out!



The Wretched and The Subjugated- Book 1.pdf 298 MB

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